Conference Papers Year : 1999

Synchronized Product of Linear Bounded Machines


This paper introduces a class of graphs associated to linear bounded machines. It is shown that this class is closed, up to observational equivalence, under synchronized product. The first-order theory of these graphs is investegated and shown to be undecidable. The latter result extends to any logic in which the existence of sinks may be stated.
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hal-01915093 , version 1 (07-11-2018)


  • HAL Id : hal-01915093 , version 1


Teodor Knapik, Etienne Payet. Synchronized Product of Linear Bounded Machines. 12th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT'99), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Aug 1999, Iasi, Romania. pp.362-373. ⟨hal-01915093⟩
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