Journal Articles Journal of Biomechanics Year : 2018

Influence of gait speed on free vertical moment during walking


Free vertical moment (FVM) of ground reaction is recognized to be a meaningful indicator of torsional stress on the lower limbs when walking. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how gait speed influences the FVM when walking. Fourteen young healthy adults performed a series of overground walking trials at three different speeds: low, preferred and fast. FVM was measured during the stance phase of the dominant leg using a force platform embedded in a 10 m-long walkway. Transverse plane kinematic parameters of the foot and pelvis were measured using a motion capture system. Results showed a significant decrease in peak abduction FVM (i.e., resisting internal foot rotation) and an increase in peak adduction FVM (i.e., resisting external foot rotation), together with an increase in gait speed. Concomitantly, we observed a decrease in the foot progression angle and an increase in the peak pelvis rotation velocity in the transverse plane with an increase in gait speed. A significant positive correlation was found between the pelvis rotation velocity and the peak adduction moment, suggesting that pelvis rotation influences the magnitude of adduction FVM. Furthermore, we also found significant correlations between the peak adduction FVM and both the step length and frequency, indicating that the alterations in FVM may be ascribed to changes in these two key variables of gait speed. These speed-related changes in FVM should be considered when this parameter is used in gait assessment, particularly when used as an index for rehabilitation and injury prevention.
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hal-01887315 , version 1 (04-10-2018)



Jérémie Begue, Teddy Caderby, Nicolas Peyrot, Georges Dalleau. Influence of gait speed on free vertical moment during walking. Journal of Biomechanics, 2018, 75, pp.186 - 190. ⟨10.1016/j.jbiomech.2018.05.011⟩. ⟨hal-01887315⟩
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