Journal Articles Journal of Food Quality Year : 2010

Physico-chemical analyses, sensory evaluation and potential of minimal processing of pejibaye (#Bactris gasipaes#) compared to mascarenes palms


A palm species native of South America, pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes), was recently introduced in Reunion Island in an attempt to diversify its agriculture. Morphological analyses highlighted the agronomic advantages of pejibaye including a high weight-to-harvest-date ratio compared to three mascarenes palm species. Sensory analyses by a trained panel allowed the elaboration of sensory profiles of the four palms tested. Ranking test done by 120 consumers revealed that pejibaye was preferred to the Mascarenes palms at the 5% level of significance and triangle test showed that Acanthophoenix rubra (red palm), the most cultivated species for the local market, was significantly different from pejibaje at the 1% level. Phenolic profiles revealed that pejibaye differed from the other species by a peak absorbing at 272 nm and weak polyphenol oxidase activities. As no browning reaction was observed in fresh cut pejibaye, this palm could be used for minimal processing (local and export market). (Résumé d'auteur)

Dates and versions

hal-01193259 , version 1 (04-09-2015)



Jacques Joas, Muriel Le Blanc, Catherine Beaumont, Thierry Michels. Physico-chemical analyses, sensory evaluation and potential of minimal processing of pejibaye (#Bactris gasipaes#) compared to mascarenes palms. Journal of Food Quality, 2010, 33, pp.216--229. ⟨10.1111/j.1745-4557.2010.00316.x⟩. ⟨hal-01193259⟩
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