Conference Papers Year : 2013

Evaluation of Information in Biodiversity Information Systems: a Model to Capitalize on Experts and Amateurs


For observation of coastal and ocean ecosystems, the acquisition and processing of scientific data in databases have led to the proliferation of specialized Information Systems, as it is the case for monitoring biodiversity. Given the various data that they contain, these Biodiversity Information Systems (BIS) provide complex applications focused on the needs of domain experts, but are often closed to amateur's field contributions. However, such a new open and interoperable Biodiversity Information Service could attract more and more hobbyists whose skills would be useful to integrate, in order to share, improve and keep information up to date with people. A part of the solution could be to render service to amateurs by tagging the quality of their contributions, in order to clearly indicate the origin and quality of provided information. This paper presents a Scientific Information Evaluation (SIE) model instantiated as a Web Service (WS), which is a contribution to the enhancement of BIS for Citizen Science. Crowdsourcing and evaluation by peers in communities of practice enhance this BIS because the WS is managed by adding qualitative metadata (certificates) on the regular primary data found in cards, as a global evaluation and a conversation thread. This WS module has been tested in the frame of the NEXTIC project at University of Reunion Island for data acquisition of the Herbarium of Reunion Island. It reveals the central role of such a module for the community to gain confidence about the BIS. It is to be ported to the marine domain.
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Didier Sébastien, Olivier Sébastien, Noël Conruyt, Mamy-Haja Rakotobe. Evaluation of Information in Biodiversity Information Systems: a Model to Capitalize on Experts and Amateurs. OCOSS’2013. Ocean & Coastal Observation: Sensors and observing systems, numerical models & information, Oct 2013, Nice, France. pp.147-154. ⟨hal-01474591⟩
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