Conference Papers Year : 2016

Use of a CSCW Platform: Professional Training Program Vs. General Education Training Program


The Reunion Island University uses a set of digital tools for face training and distance learning. The "Digital Technology Observatory" of the University launched a major survey among users to find out if these tools are suitable. This survey was supplemented by an analysis of the traces left on the different tools. Here we are particularly interested in the CSCW tool. We show that, if according to the survey, the CSCW platform is suitable for all users, trace analysis shows that it is not really used for CSCW but primarily for file sharing. Moreover, according to the different training programs, the tool is used differently. Finally, CSCW appears essentially when there is Ministerial Guideline for doing it.
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hal-01383241 , version 1 (18-10-2016)


  • HAL Id : hal-01383241 , version 1


Jean Simon, Véronique Sébastien. Use of a CSCW Platform: Professional Training Program Vs. General Education Training Program. 13th International Conference on Excellence & Innovation in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology, International Centre for Innovation and Education (ICIE), May 2016, Rijeka, Croatia. ⟨hal-01383241⟩
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