Book Sections Year : 2011

Biodiversity and evolution in the Vanilla genus


Since the publication of the first vanilla book by Bouriquet (1954c) and the more recent review on vanilla biodiversity (Bory et al., 2008b), there has been a world regain of interest for this genus, as witnessed by the recently published vanilla books (Cameron, 2011a; Havkin-Frenkel & Belanger, 2011; Odoux & Grisoni, 2010). A large amount of new data regarding the genus biodiversity and its evolution has also been obtained. These will be reviewed in the present paper and new data will also be presented. (Résumé d'auteur)


Vegetal Biology
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hal-01202959 , version 1 (22-09-2015)


  • HAL Id : hal-01202959 , version 1


Rodolphe Gigant, Séverine Bory, Michel Grisoni, Pascale Besse. Biodiversity and evolution in the Vanilla genus. Grillo, (ed.), Oscar and Venora, (ed.), Gianfranco. The dynamical processes of biodiversity : case studies of evolution and spatial distribution, Intechopen, pp.1--26, 2011. ⟨hal-01202959⟩
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