Conference Papers Year : 2010

Coffee Bourbon Pointu of Reunion Island: How to define a terroir to obtain a «Gourmet» coffee


New ways of coffee consumption have emerged with the development of specialty coffees and terroir coffees. Producing coffee in a European country is a challenge according to the cost of labour. Nevertheless, farmers of the Reunion Island, the French island in the Indian Ocean, decided to grow coffee helped by a development project ("Café Bourbon pointu de la Réunion") with the aim of producing a high value coffee for a niche market. Producing coffee on the Reunion Island is not new: the first coffee plants were introduced in the 18th century from Yemen. Coffee cultivation has contributed to develop the island. "Bourbon pointu" is the result of a natural mutation of a Yemen Arabica coffee plant, discovered in 1771 in a plantation near the village of Sainte Marie. The coffee Bourbon pointu, caffeine low, is well known for its special citrus fruity taste. (Résumé d'auteur)
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hal-01193253 , version 1 (04-09-2015)


  • HAL Id : hal-01193253 , version 1


Philip Aguilar, Laurent Berthiot, Frédéric Descroix. Coffee Bourbon Pointu of Reunion Island: How to define a terroir to obtain a «Gourmet» coffee. International Conference on Coffee Science, Oct 2010, Bali, Indonesia. pp.1040--1045. ⟨hal-01193253⟩
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