Conference Papers Year : 2012

Use of a CSCW platform by trainers and trainees; Trace analysis: multimodal analysis vs data mining approach


The purpose of this paper is to show that data mining tools can help refine the understanding of what happens on a platform of collaborative work. For this, we compare a multimodal analysis of traces with an analysis of these same traces performed by data mining tools. The second analysis confirms the results of the first one on some points but also gives more information and reveals some “dysfunctions” in the use of the platform. So, it seems interesting to use such tools to allow a formative evaluation of the training devices.
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hal-01187215 , version 1 (05-03-2017)


  • HAL Id : hal-01187215 , version 1


Jean Simon, Henri Ralambondrainy. Use of a CSCW platform by trainers and trainees; Trace analysis: multimodal analysis vs data mining approach. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012), Jul 2012, Sydney, Australia. pp.n.c. ⟨hal-01187215⟩
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