Journal Articles Commonwealth Essays and Studies Year : 2008

The resurgence of prison imagery in Breyten Breytenbach's A Veil of Footsteps


This analysis of Breyten Breytenbach's most recent work, 'A Veil of Footstep's. Memoir of a nomadic fictional character', concentrates on the manner in which the prison and its related themes of alienation and death resurge in varied and surprising manners - the intimate, almost confidential nature of the text which involves the reader in Breyten Wordfool's world rendering the resurgence of prison imagery all the more disturbing.


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hal-01156433 , version 1 (22-06-2021)


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Sandra Saayman. The resurgence of prison imagery in Breyten Breytenbach's A Veil of Footsteps. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 2008, 31 (1), pp.69--79. ⟨hal-01156433⟩
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