Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2019

Dynamics of Part-Time Employment to an Aggregate Shock: a Sign-Restriction Approach


This paper provides new stylized facts about the responses of the part-time employment share, the transition probability from full-time to part-time and the one from part-time to full-time jobs to a negative aggregate shock. The recessionary aggregate shock is identi ed within a sign-restriction VAR framework by imposing a short-run negative co-movement between unemployment and vacancies. The negative aggregate shock pushes the part-time employment share up. The latter increase is mainly due to a rise in the probability at which full-time work is transformed into part-time work without an intervening spell of unemployment. Given that such transitions mainly take place at the same fi rm/worker pair, these findings indicate that US fi rms use - in addition to the creation/destruction process - within-employment reallocation to adjust their labor input in recessionary episodes.
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Fontaine - Dynamics of part-time employment to an aggregate shock a sign restriction approach - Manuscript.pdf (336.06 Ko) Télécharger le fichier
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hal-03665947 , version 1 (12-05-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03665947 , version 1


Idriss Fontaine. Dynamics of Part-Time Employment to an Aggregate Shock: a Sign-Restriction Approach. 2019. ⟨hal-03665947⟩
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