Conference Poster Year : 2014

CHARC: Ecology and habitat use of tiger Galeocerdo cuvier and bull Carcharhinus leucas sharks on the west coast of Reunion Island, Western Indian ocean

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hal-01487162 , version 1 (11-03-2017)


  • HAL Id : hal-01487162 , version 1


Sébastien Jaquemet, Antonin Blaison, K. Bourjea, Pascale Chabanet, Jean Turquet, et al.. CHARC: Ecology and habitat use of tiger Galeocerdo cuvier and bull Carcharhinus leucas sharks on the west coast of Reunion Island, Western Indian ocean. Sharks International, Jun 2014, Durban, South Africa. Programm and Poster Abstracts of Shark International, pp.30. ⟨hal-01487162⟩
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