Conference Papers Year : 2016

Analysis of internet latency : the reunion island case

Pascal Anelli
Richard Lorion


Internet connectivity is not fairly distributed around the world, in particular for islands or isolated areas. An example, the internet connection of Reunion Island is mainly based on links to France located about 10, 000kms away. This situation generated a particular connection which induced high delays and degraded internet service. Typically, the minimal delay between France and Reunion Island is around 180ms. In this paper, we investigate the performance of the Internet connection by analyzing delay and path properties from and to Reunion Island mapped to continent IPv4 spread. With two experiments, based on 27 local probes and 7, 860, 000 traces, we propose a correlation analyzing between delay and path properties. One particular finding is that the delay is more dependent of the chosen path as the geographical distance, compared to models in literature.
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hal-01463020 , version 1 (09-02-2017)



Réhan Noordally, Xavier Nicolay, Pascal Anelli, Richard Lorion, Pierre Ugo Tournoux. Analysis of internet latency : the reunion island case. Asian Internet Engineering Conference, Nov 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. pp.49 - 56, ⟨10.1145/3012695.3012702⟩. ⟨hal-01463020⟩
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