Journal Articles Zootaxa Year : 2010

Glomeremus species from the Mascarene islands (Orthoptera, Gryllacrididae) with the description of the pollinator of an endemic orchid from the island of Réunion


Glomeremus Karny, 1937 species from the Mascarene islands are examined. One new species is described from Réunion: G. orchidophilus n. sp.. Two new species are described from Mauritius: G. paraochidophilus n. sp. and G. tikasignatus n. sp.. The case of G. shelfordi (Griffini, 1909) supposedly described from Mauritius is discussed as well as the likely polyphyly of the genus Glomeremus. G. orchidophilus n. sp. is the only pollinator of the Orchid Angraecum cadetii on Réunion, representing the first supported case of regular pollination by an insect from the order Orthoptera in extant flowering plants. The possible involvement of Mauritian Glomeremus in A. cadetii pollination on Mauritius is discussed.
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hal-01188136 , version 1 (28-08-2015)


  • HAL Id : hal-01188136 , version 1


Sylvain Hugel, Claire Micheneau, Jacques Fournel, H. Warren Ben, Anne Gauvin-Bialecki, et al.. Glomeremus species from the Mascarene islands (Orthoptera, Gryllacrididae) with the description of the pollinator of an endemic orchid from the island of Réunion. Zootaxa, 2010, 2545, pp.58--68. ⟨hal-01188136⟩
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