Conference Papers Year : 2024

Microwave Amplifier OIP3 Characterization Test for Wireless Communication Transmitter


Despite the wireless communication system design and manufacturing progress, the radio frequency interference (RFI) undesirable effect due to the signal distortion remains an open challenge for the microwave research engineer. This paper is dedicated to the RFI characterization from third-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3) of power amplifier (PA) used in wireless communication transmitter (Tx) around 2.4 GHz. The third-order output intercept point (OIP3) is studied from harmonic double-frequency (DF) test method. After the recall on the IMD3 theory, the considered experimental setup is described. The PA AV3860C OIP3 is evaluated y adjusting the signal generator output power from -30 dBm to 10 dBm from DF NL measurements at 2.4 GHz and determined by least squares method fit b. As prospect of the present study, research work is currently ongoing for extending the RFI test technique for 6G communication system.
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hal-04806228 , version 1 (27-11-2024)




  • HAL Id : hal-04806228 , version 1


Hongyu Du, Nour Mohammad Murad, Fayu Wan, Vladimir Mordachev, Eugene Sinkevich, et al.. Microwave Amplifier OIP3 Characterization Test for Wireless Communication Transmitter. The 5th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering (IEEE ELECOM), Nov 2024, Bagatelle, Mauritius. ⟨hal-04806228⟩
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