The HAL INSA Group collection aims at gathering INSA scientific publications (articles, communications, theses, pre-publications, conference proceedings, etc.) submitted in HAL and whose authors are members of INSA Group laboratories: INSA Centre Val de Loire, INSA Hauts-de-France, INSA Lyon, INSA Rennes, INSA Rouen, INSA Strasbourg, INSA Toulouse.

The INSA Group is part of the ambitious open science policy led by France and Europe, aiming at an unhindered dissemination of scientific culture.

In 2019, The INSA Group had great potential for research at international level. With 55 laboratories, 1104 researchers and teacher-researchers, 1170 doctoral students, 160 post-doctoral students and with the support of 320 technical and administrative staff. INSA Group is established throughout the country and in Morocco, and conducts research activities covering the entire value chain, from basic research to applied research, in close collaboration with our industrial partners. Prestigious international collaborations with academic and industrial partners illustrate and reinforce our scientific excellence. 2760 publications were co-authored in 2018 in the best international scientific journals. The ambitious research work, developed in line with regional, national and European strategies, aims to ensure academic excellence and to respond to scientific, technological, economic and societal challenges.


To reach the head office of HAL:

  • INSA Centre Val de Loire :
  • INSA Euromed :
  • INSA Hauts-de-France :
  • INSA Lyon : hal@insa-lyon .fr
  • INSA Rennes :
  • INSA Rouen Normandie :
  • INSA Strasbourg :
  • INSA Toulouse :


International collaborations




102 251


77 732

Fields distribution

Type of document distribution

Submissions Evolution